Sunday, July 11, 2010

What Spiritual Gifts Can I Use? - 1 Corinthians 12 - 15

Beginning with the lesson we studied about marriage as discussed in chapter seven and on through chapter 16, Paul is responding to a list of questions that the believers in Corinth had sent to him. The Corinthians were confused about and having problems with some of the same questions that confront us in our lives during the present days of the 21st century. What did Christ teach regarding sex, marriage and divorce? What political liberties are enjoyed by Christians who know the bible’s teaching regarding food offered to idols or proper dress for men and women in church? And today we are looking to see how we are to use our spiritual gifts. If you will pay close attention you will see that he moves from one question to another by using a phrase typically translated “about” or “now concerning;” and so in this manner he opens the discussion on spiritual gifts in chapter 12. “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brothers, I do not want you to be ignorant.”

Since God gives man all of his spiritual gifts the answer to the opening question is quite simple—you and I can use all of our spiritual gifts if we use them for right reasons to accomplish tasks that God approves. Let us take a simple one for an example; a beautiful tenor voice is a spiritual gift. There is no doubt how we are to use our voice because of explicit teachings in the bible that tells us our voice is given for us to communicate with man and God. We are directed to sing praises to Him and to praise Him with our voice. So long as our voice is used to help us communicate and help us and others enjoy Godly music there can be no reason to refrain from or refuse to use it this way. The sad side of this illustration is that the same voice can be used destructively to curse God [use His name in vain] or to sing seductive and wayward music in a strip joint, or rap a porno rime.

I personally believe that we can enjoy a more informative discussion pertaining to the matter of spiritual gifts if we ask ourselves what spiritual gifts God has given us individually and how we can know the ones that he expects us to develop and use in our worship and in our service to him through the church in particular. I will start by answering the most important question and that is—have all Christians been endowed with spiritual gifts from God? The answer is yes. God never made a mistake; and therefore he never made anyone without endowing them with spiritual gifts that they are to recognize, develop and us in their worship of God and their work for Him and his children. One of the most destructive views one can have regarding spiritual gifts is to argue that they do not have any. You are the first one, and may be the only one, that is completely in error because all bible scholars have learned that all Christians are endowed with spiritual gifts.

In 12: 7 Paul says that it is clear to our minds or evident [manifested] that gifts of the spirit are given for the common good and common good means your gifts are to be enjoyed by others. He then uses the parts of the body and shows how they work together for common good. All parts are needed for the body to function completely as it should. Each part has its own function: the eye sees, the ear hears, the nose determines different odors, legs run, and the heart pumps blood. So it is with the gifts of the spirit, each has its own purpose.

Wisdom is the first gift mentioned, then knowledge, faith, healing, miraculous powers, prophecy, the ability to distinguish between spirits, speaking in different kinds of tongues, [and to some others] the interpretation of tongues. Now in verse 27 he says that we make up the body of Christ and each member of the church is a part of the body. For the body of Christ [the church] to be complete it must have apostles, prophets, teachers, miracle workers, gifts of healing, abilities to help others, administrative abilities, and those who speak tongues. We have already mentioned the gifts of knowledge and wisdom, and it is easy to see that these would be necessary to support many of the other gifts such as preaching, teaching, and daily witnessing.

The greatest of all spiritual gifts is the ability to love as Christ loved us, and the entire 13th chapter is devoted to the discussion of the importance of love in the Christian life. Paul says that we can excel in all other gifts and accomplish absolutely nothing, if we do not have love in our hearts. Love will be discussed more completely in lessons yet to come.

The most difficult for me to understand and try to explain is the gift of speaking in other tongues. Paul indicates that some have this special gift. He says that it is the ability to talk to God, but that the speaker and God only are able to understand what is being said, and that it should not be used unless there is a third person present who is able to interpret the message for the benefit of listeners. Paul says that he utters mysteries with his spirit. He says in verse seven that other gifts such as prophesies is greater than tongues—unless he interprets so the church [can understand and] may be edified. My personal position is that I have never heard anyone ‘speak in tongues’ and then explain to me what he said. I have heard some who spoke in tongues, but never witnessed an occasion when the speaker had ‘another person present’ who could tell me what was being said.

Paul then asks a question. Verse 6, “If I speak to you in tongues, what good will I be to you, unless I bring you some revelation? He then gives an example by referring to a musical instrument which is a lifeless thing. Anyone can blow on a trumpet and make a noise that can be heard, but if the musician does not use different notes [which are understandable] there is no musical message. “If the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle”? “So it is with you. Unless you speak intelligible words with your tongue, how can anyone know what you are saying? You will just be speaking into the air.”

V 18 Paul says “I speak in tongues” and for this reason I do not doubt that God gave him this special gift. But I am not worried or concerned that I personally do not have the gift because Paul went on to explain that “I would rather speak five intelligent words to instruct others than ten thousand words in a [UNKNOWN] tongue.” There was usually more than one nationality of people present in his services and I think Paul was making it clear that he should be able to speak more than one language or have an interpreter present to help all present understand what was being preached.

How do you and I fit in this discussion? WHAT SPIRITUAL GIFTS CAN I USE is our question for today. We have the spirit of learning, intelligence and knowledge and therefore we must STUDY to show ourselves approved and to instruct others in spiritual matters—sorry to say, but some have neglected to study His word. Some have received beautiful voices and should use them to worship, and praise and for the pleasure of others as well as a way to lead them to Christ. I believe God gave me the spiritual gift of teaching, and I have tried to use it to teach for over sixty years. More teachers are needed, and I am afraid that YOU are one that was given the gift and you have neglected to use your gift. It is not too late so report to your pastor or educational director that you are ready to practice your gift of teaching. Yours may be a very special gift of working with young children, and you are needed even more.

Would you love to see your home church grow in great numbers? Become the undisputed Spiritual leader in your denomination world wide? Win many who are lost and without hope? Do you want to reach the place where you are looking forward to every Sunday morning with great anticipation? If the answer is YES—all you will need to do is start using three or four of your best spiritual gifts daily—pray, witness, visit the ill and outcast, study His word, sing, play your instrument, teach, prophesy, love your neighbor and praise your God. Be thankful and give God the glory but don’t be selfish and brag.

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