Sunday, May 30, 2010

Show Others Godly Grace - Leviticus 25:10-22,35-38

Have you ever tried to extend your best example of Godly Grace to a hateful, down right disruptive child? Have you ever tried to treat in a graceful manner some adult that has just mistreated you intentionally in the presence of others who were your friends, co-workers or just peers? As a school administrator, I found that children who had never been taught to respect authority really did not understand or even know that they were personally obnoxious individuals. You can be assured that children that are brought up in a broken home where there is nothing but argumentation, disrespect and little or no love shared or extended between parents and children will reflect this same life style when they arrive in your Sunday school class—if you are lucky enough to have them come at all.

Just remember that Christ faced death on the cross in order to save obnoxious children that cursed him, and voted to have him crucified. He suffered as we do. He felt pain and neglect when it occurred. And when he faced the cross, He prayed that God [his father] would let the cup pass if it was possible—but he also prayed that God’s will be done in the end. He extended his grace to you and me; [our forbearers, you and I, and our offspring were the children in his classroom that day] and he was kind and generous to us and we did not deserve his grace.

Our church is crying for help in the classrooms of Children’s Church. I can understand why the need is as great as it is. Many of the children are “sent” to church by parents that really just want to bee free from parenting for a couple of hours each Sunday, and if they bring the children—they just drop them off and pick them up later. Our teachers are faced with a problem as they are confronted by overwhelming numbers of “untrained” young citizens who do not know how to act at church. Here is my information for you [teachers and aids] today as taught in Leviticus. Just make sure that you recognize what your problem really is and who is the cause and do not fail to show your grace [God’s grace] toward the children who need it so badly especially during this time of growth when they do not realize that they are being neglected.
We have reminded you before that the last ten chapters of Leviticus are known as the Holiness Code. It is so because God warned his people to be “holy because I, the Lord your God am holy” Children that come from homes that practice God’s holiness and teach it to their offspring are usually not the ones that cause the greatest problems at church and in school.

Most if not all of our problems emanate from the fact that parents do not realize who owns their homes. They act as though they bought and paid for it, and no one else has any authority over them and their homes. Just you remember this: God created this old earth and everything it contains, and therefore it belongs to Him. As owner of the earth…land….God has always had the right to decide who would live on it. He also created us [you and me] and therefore he has a right to decide on a code of behavior or conduct for us. He treated us gracefully, and now he demands that we treat others as he treated us. Listen to me! Don’t get to cocky and self assured. Remember that there was a day when the Canaanites were a powerful nation who owned and liven in the land of Canaan. They simply refused to live according to God’s directions and God evicted them and gave their land to the Israelites.

In America we have refused to live according to God’s values. Parents have refused to keep the home sacred and refused to bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. We have sent our kids to church, when God demands that we not forsake the gathering of ourselves together to worship him—which means that we are compelled to take our children to church. You may not believe me…and I really hope that I am wrong…but I fear that we are nearing the time when we will not enjoy a free America any more. The end to our way of life that we have enjoyed for over two hundred years is just a few days ahead. The only one single true opportunity that Christians still have is the opportunity to show God’s grace to those we encounter each day. Don’t expect the people you encounter daily, or even our own government to show God’s grace in return. God will see that we are rewarded if we continue to treat others as he requires believers to do.

If you want to really understand how important it is to God for his people to obey him and treat each other with respect and dignity, you owe it to yourself to read this entire lesson from Leviticus 23 to the end of the book. Tithes and offerings are the Lords and his people have no choice but to obey his instructions. The misuse of God’s name is to blaspheme him, and required death in that time. A blasphemer was stoned to death, and all of those who heard were required to take part in the stoning. Here is where we get the law regarding the penalty for murder. A murderer should be killed. The bible teaches “an eye for an eye and a life for a life.” If chapter 24 were practiced in our courts today, we would enjoy far less carnage than we have today.

God even demanded that we treat his land with honor and that we use the land for six years and let it rest on the seventh. Just think how much more productive land would be today if this practice had been put in motion when America was discovered. On the 7th year…Sabbath year…the land could have had two or three cover crops of soil-building crops like lespedeza which has the nodules of nitrogen on its roots—these could and should have been plowed under—thus rebuilding the soil.

Some would still ask; what would we eat on that seventh year, when all growth was plowed under? Why don’t you read verses 18 through 21 of Chapter 25? Does God mislead his people? It sounds to me like we would have all prospered greatly by following his commands.

Some of the conditions have changed over the years from Old Testament time to this dispensation. But God has not changed. See 26; 14 and on. If you disobeyed God then there was punishment meted out—and if you are disobedient today, you will pay a price. The gift of salvation…God’s grace is not a license to disobey. Neither is it a license to ignore, mislead, or mistreat others who are in need of knowledge about God and who need to be shown the power of God’s grace to save through their faith.

This reminder is so important that it must be emphasized over and over. Christians are saved by God’s GRACE through the faith that God has given them. Now that they are saved, they are obligated to teach and demonstrate their Christian life by extending their grace to others even when they may not be pleasant and lovable. To fail is to disobey God. Disobedience will bring disaster into one’s life. Disobedience is sin. Sin causes death and can only be redeemed by a blood sacrifice. Christ shed the only healing blood—we must accept it as payment in full for our sin…there is no other way.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Stay Away from Perverted Practices - Leviticus 18:1-5,20-26; 20:6-8

I have had my personal computer for ten or twelve years and it has really filled a void in my life during these years. Like so many other things that have come along in the past century, it has its faults and serves as another avenue for sin to creep into our homes. There is hardly a week that goes by that some pervert doesn’t break in my home with a page or two of pornography. The thing about it that irks me most is that many times it takes several minutes of my precocious time to find a way to remove the junk from the screen. There should be some way that I could force the perpetrator to use his time to remove it from my computer screen.

The title of the lesson today orders us to stay away from perverted practices. This is good advice, but it is a hard order to carry out in the land today when there seems to be more interest in the crude and rude than ever before in our history. Parents during the early part of the last century did not accept minds that were filled with ideas built around perverted minds and exposed bodies. They had the audacity to speak out against immoral perverted exploitation. About the only opportunity for the young people to be exposed was when a traveling circus would visit the town park. There was usually what was called a ‘side show’ featuring nudity and explicit actions that were vulgar. Christian parents kept an eye on their children and very few ever successfully attended one of these “forbidden” shows. Today almost every movie produced and even the prime time TV programs are using this forbidden vulgarity to sell their products. What has happened to the minds of Americans?

You are raising your children in a world where anything goes. Leading the list is the drug culture that is running rampant. In the enter cities and even the smaller towns drug cartels and established gangs are controlling the lives of otherwise decent young people. Many parents have expressed to me that there is nothing they can do. They are wrong! We can all do something positive;--simply by living a life that sets the right example; by using our right to vote against the politicians that allow these things to happen and even grow right before their eyes.

Don’t ever think that you do not have examples to live by. As the background material for this lesson we can go back to Leviticus and find legit instructions. Somewhere on our law books there are important laws and instructions that—if properly enforced—would prevent most of what I am talking about that is so negative and destructive.

Many of the exhibits of nudeness, illicit expressions, and hard pornography have been derived from or have descended down to us from the study of pagan practices. God has warned us that life like the pagan live will lead to destruction. The exact opposite of practice of paganism is the practicing of Godly Lifestyles. If Christians would practice living like Christ, it would go a long way in solving some of the problems of this day.

The last thing I will mention is also a fault of the liberal Christian; at least in most cases. We do not demand our ministers to stand against all of these open sins with force in their sermons. The bible says that in the last days we will listen with itching ears to only that which we want to hear. Far too often the congregation does not want their preacher to fight open sin. It gets on too many personal toes. This reminds me of an old cowboy who riding range close to a church and so he decided to attend the Sunday service. He was sweaty, with a worn look and a bad smell. After church the preacher ask him to talk to God about how he should dress when visiting this church. The next Sunday his heard was still close by and so he dropped in and set on the back row, hoping he would not be noticed. But, after church the same thing happened, the preacher asks him if he talked to God about what to wear. He said, yes, I surely did and God told me that he had no idea what one should wear in this church because He had never been invited to visit there.

We need to live like Christians in our churches and communities. We should demand that our ministers preach the bible, truth, and love—and then we should make acceptable offerings to support the church and its work.

The book of Leviticus is considered to be a copy of God’s holiness code. This idea and name for the book derives its being from what God said in chapter 19 the second verse. God said, “Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.” It is hard to see holiness in the world today, and that is because the condition is a “state of existence” that is apart from the presence of evil. The Hebrew said that you had to be separated from evil in order to live holy. You can not live an acceptable life before God and be a part of the life style today that includes the perverted practices that are so prevalent.

You should never think that the Hollywood perverts of 2010 have anything new to offer this perverted world. These people in this lesson had just been delivered from the wicked nation of Egypt where adultery ran wild and the Gays practiced their perverted ways in front of all. Sodom and Gomorrah were burned to the ground and all the perverts that live there were destroyed because of their wicked ways. In this lesson God warns us that we are not to profane the name of your God; “I am the Lord.” “ YOU ARE NOT TO SLEEP WITH A MAN AS WITH A WOMAN, IT IS DETESTABLE.” “IT IS ABONDABLE IN THE SIGHT OF THE LORD.”

“We are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice before God.” The only way you can present yourself correctly is by learning what God has said in his word about how we should live. Lou Holtz, our former foot ball coach at the U of A had only one rule for his players…”DO RIGHT”…This is the only rule that one needs to live a Christian Life! But…But…there is a catch to this rule. You can not know what the rule “DO RIGHT” means until the bible spells it out for you….for God only knows…and he is the only one that can tell you how to always “do right.”

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Do Right When You Do Wrong - Leviticus 1-16

The next three lessons will attempt to summarize the book of Leviticus, a book with 27 chapters, written by Moses, while the Family of God was still camped out around the first Tabernacle built by the people as instructed by Moses who received his instructions from God in a personal meeting on Mt. Sinai in 1445 BC. They had started the Exodus the year before in 1446 BC, then received the Law from God along with the instructions for building the tabernacle and establishing the laws they were to live by daily in 14445 BC.

The purpose of the book of Leviticus was written by Moses to reflect God’s will for the people to live by. It was a handbook for the priest and Levites to use in teaching and worship and a document from God regarding what He expected in the holy living of the Hebrews. The key verse reflects the theme of the book; it is 19:2—“Be holy because I, the Lord your God, am holy.” This scripture is parallel to the other scriptures in the New Testament that teach us over and over today that we are to live our lives so that they imitate the life of Christ. The truths recorded in Leviticus came from God to Moses while they were camped in the area of Mt. Sinai.

Have you ever felt like God was off out there in space millions of miles away? Do you ever struggle with loneliness? Are you ever burdened with despair? Torn to pieces by sin and overwhelmed with the growing problems of the day in which we live? Do you know why? I think it is because we are made in the image of God and created to have a close relationship with him. Any time that close relationship is broken, we are in a sense no longer complete and are in need of restoration. Communication with God is actually the essence of worship in truth,

In your prayers to him and discussions with him, is there a sense of loneliness and despair because you are unable to hear an actual voice answering your calls for help? We only have his holy word to read and believe. At least these people had a strong spiritual leader that was there to help them know the will of God for their lives. His name was Moses. We have a strong leader too, and his name is J. R. DeBusk. We have two additional helpers, leaders that give us assurance. The first one is the Holy Spirit, the one promised by Jesus Christ just prior to his resurrection who would be our counselor. The second is our faith which will work only to the extent that we grow in it, use it, practice using it, and only to the extent that we measure it, remember the times it has proven successful, and always give Jesus credit for giving us a working faith.

If our pastor [Bro. JR] would disappear into the woods and rocks of one of the mountains around Heber Springs for 40 straight days and nights, would you feel comfortable about him? Would you wonder where he was and what he was doing? Would you totally believe him if on his return he would explain that he had actually conversed with God, and received commandments, written on stone by the finger of God, for our direction? When I think about what your answer to these questions would be, it is not hard for me to realize that the Israelites grew anxious when Moses was gone for 40 days.

This may be the reason that God commanded Moses to write the book of Leviticus. There is a picture here in this long story. Can you see, and believe that these people were in slavery in Egypt; this represents being in sin and lost on their way to Hell. Moses led them out of bondage which represents being saved, born again. And now they have been camped out around the foot of Mt. Sinai for two years being taught how to worship and serve God as all saved people are commanded to do. They were redeemed in Exodus and this gave them a firm foundation. Their cleansing, glorification, worshipping of God and services to each other and God are to be found in Leviticus.

Their first major sin of unbelief resulted in the people insisting that Aaron build the golden calf idol. The first lesson that they had to learn was that unholy people can not approach a holy God. They were still his people, but were unholy, lining in sin. God demands that sin be dealt with before a man can truly worship him. The first seven chapters of Leviticus gave the people instructions in how to make and offer five different acceptable sacrifices. Every animal offered as sacrifice had to be number one and pure because they always pointed forward to the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and his blood at the cross. The sacrificial system and the laws associated with it were designed to teach the Israelites the principles for maintaining a right relationship with God and with each other. It is out of this concept that the title of the lesson today is drawn—“DO RIGHT WHEN YOU DO WRONG.” These early Israelites all thought of themselves as being God’s people because God had declared that they were his. They had to go through the wilderness to give God time to teach them that although they were his—they could do wrong—they were sinners. They were people lost in Egyptian bondage and had to be delivered by God. They are people lost in sin and this requires a blood sacrifice to bring them out which will be delivered by the person Jesus Christ. All the sacrifices of the day were pointing forward to the day Jesus would died on the cross, shedding his blood once and for all BC and AD.

His blood shed on the cross covered our every transgression to the date of our acceptance of Him as our Savior: but it requires our true repentance for our sins and our acknowledgement of Christ as our Lord and savior for all sins committed after salvation. Dear ones in Christ, I have contended all along that true repentance is absolutely necessary for one to be saved. However it is just as important for any Christian to always to right when they do wrong. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

What If You Falter? - Exodus 32:1-4,30-34; 34:6b-9

I acknowledge the use of Life Way Literature and appreciate the great job they do in helping us understand God’s word. Sometimes I wonder how they come up with their topics for the lessons, and this is one of those occasions. I just want to tell you in the beginning of this lesson that you WILL FALTER, and there is no ‘WHAT IF’ ABOUT IT. Therefore I think the question is…WHEN YOU FALTER—WHAT SHOULD YOU DO ABOUT IT?

Even the most sincere Christian will falter occasionally; the bible assures us of this fact. “There is none perfect, no not one.” “He that says that he has no sin is a liar and there is no truth in him.” “All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” We also have strong promises that if we will repent of our sins and pray for forgiveness it [forgiveness] will be forthcoming. “When you repent of your sins and ask God to forgive you, He is faithful and just and will forgive you of your sins.” “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and though shalt be saved.”

Moses led the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage and, for some reason that only God knows, they seemed to remain faithful and dependent on God for about forty days—and then began to falter. They gave up, repented and prayed at the Red Sea and were saved. They were without water and faltered until God opened a hole in a rock and gave them pure water to drink. They became hungry and started complaining before they were fed manna and quail. They reached Mt. Sinai and demanded a word from God regarding their future.

God instructed Moses to climb the mountain, stand on sacred ground, and receive his commandments for his people. The people wanted an answer now! God and Moses took forty days. The people began to falter; fall away, go on their own, and demanded that Aaron create a new image that they could worship as God; one that they could see, feel, and trust. The wording here seems to indicate that they were gathered around Aaron as an angry mob, demanding that he do something that he may have resented doing. Anyway he relented to the pressure of the people and preceded by collecting the gold jewelry, even the ladies ear rings and processed it [the gold] into a golden idol; a male calf. It really seems to me that this action constitutes more than a falter. It was not the denial of God; it was an attempt to create a new one.

I hope you will bear with me as I try to draw the conclusion here that places the actions of many American people today in the same category with the actions of these disbelievers at Sinai. America was once our forefathers Promised Land. They were being persecuted in most of the European countries and were ready to follow strong leaders like Moses that would bring them to this New Country. The USA did not exist, but the American Continent did and it became their PROMISED LAND. Similarly to the original Promised Land; it was inhabited by several tribes of giant red men that would fight to hold their positions. Not just a narrow Red Sea, but the entire Atlantic Ocean lay in their way. It was by far their greatest enemy as they made their move to America.

I can assure you that during the first forty years they were in a wilderness here in America. I do not remember from my history lessons that God ever rained manna from heaven to feed them, and no quail came to the table unless the hunter did his job. It took two years for them to start raising enough food to prevent hunger. Some may have starved, but not all, and the nation grew and prospered. The English, Spanish and French all made war against us and the civil war tore us apart, but God has sustained this nation all these years. We have been known as a Christian Nation and have stood strong in the face of two world wars and several minor ones.

During the last fifty years we have watched our supreme court dismantle our constitution. Liberalism is now in control. There are more babies aborted [murdered] each year than there are soldiers who die in all the wars being fought. Hardly a year passes that we do not loose another right to pray, display godly images, or a copy of the Ten Commandments. God’s name has now been removed from the new gold dollar that was minted just recently, and the plan is clear that God’s Name must be removed from America. The only difference I see in this move and what the Israelites did is that they wanted a new god, and America is choosing to have no God at all…The move is on to even deny that a God exists—to remove his name completely.

Your President says we are not a Christian Nation. Is he right? Wait a minute. Don’t shut me out just yet. If we are a majority Christian Nation, then why are so many non-Christian laws being passed, and why is there not a national rebellion against it? The Israelites gave up on God and made a new one out of gold…but even so, they never did deny that there was a god.

America needs to study the flight of the people from Egypt—their sins cost them 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, until a complete generation died and never did see the Promised Land.
Unless America awakens soon, there is a good chance that we will be real lucky if we have forty more years to wander in this wilderness of sin. Our deadline may be less than forty years.

God made a law. The wages of sin is death. To deny God, is sin, and if you want his name removed from vision that is denial.

I realize that those of you who read this lesson are not in agreement with what is happening, surely a majority is not. However, we are making little or no effort to correct the errors that are being made.

Let me ask you a personal question. What will you do with, for, against the minting of the new Dollar Coin that does not contain the words “In God we Trust.” The designer should be fired and fined the cost of its production. The politician that ordered it done should be impeached and hung for treason against all God loving Americans. I can do neither of these, but would vote to have it done. And I will not honor the coin by using it as currency.