Sunday, September 13, 2009

God Is Just - Psalm 9:1-16

No statement ever made was more important to man kind than the one embodied in the title of our lesson for today! No other statement was ever as spellbinding to the soul of man: to the lost he is made to realize that he will receive his just award; and in the heart of the Christian he understands that he will be held accountable for any injustice for which he is guilty.

The messages provided through the Psalms are provided in songs of praise and prayers of thanksgiving. David constantly talked to us about the problems he faced and he prayed unceasingly to the almighty for the blessings that he constantly needed. David reminded God over and over about his troubles and let us know that he was constantly talking to God about the problems. Sometimes I think that I complain too much about my problems; but I don’t think I am any worse than David was. David also let us know how often and completely that God took care of his troubles. So, this may be the place where we fall short…maybe we do not thank God for his care and comfort as often as we should.

Last Sunday we discussed the fact that men and women have differences in their prayer and worship lives. It is more difficult for some men in particular, than for women, to show forth a heart of care and concern for other people. David was a man of great concern for others, and is probably the greatest bible character known to worship with depth of heart; and to praise with great sincerity.

There are times in the lives of some men when they are disturbed inwardly; they are even moved to tears which they try hard to subdue because they do not want to appear as a week character. David lived a life alone in harm’s way as the protector of his sheep and often realized that he was forced to believe in the protection that had to come from God. He tells us that he learned about God—and who God really was and how he was forced to depend on God.

I do not know why men hate to admit that they have fears just as women do, but I know it is so. Can you imagine being alone, and asleep at midnight guarding a flock of sheep that are wonderful and easy to secure food for a pack of wild dogs or wolves—even a heard of lions? David had been there. David admitted that he suffered great fear. Probably even harder for David was the fact that he had to admit that he depended on God for his very life. Oh, how I wish that I could be so honest in my admission of my dependency upon God. Later in the life of David when he had men as enemies—he remembered the wild animals in his youth as a shepherd and turned to God for his protection.

In verse one of chapter number six we have an example of the way that David was able to express his dependence on God and even admit it to both friends and foe. He openly praised God and told us of His wonderful works. Then in verse 2 he told God that he rejoiced and would continue to boast about God, and sing about his name admitting to everyone that God was the most high. Tell me…why is hard for men to openly worship and praise God in the presence of his friends…especially his lady friends.

Now, let me ask you to try just now to openly admit to some one else in your presence that you love God. Stop for a moment and intentionally sing about God’s name as being the Most High.

The most of us have enemies today. We are fortunate at times and our enemies retreat and for some reason stop bothering us. Do you ever think about the relief you feel being possible because that your enemies actually stumble before God. David was one of the greatest warriors of bible history, but he never forgot from whence his power came. It was not his sword or his power and he realized that. It was God’s power that he allowed to flow freely through him.

We are living during a period of time when far too many men do not believe in an existing Almighty God. Now add this to the fact that even greater numbers of men do not believe that the God which we proclaim is a Just God. Some actually blame God for their problems and refuse to admit that it is the failings of man that causes problems—they even believe and will proclaim that God is unjust. Claims such as this will usually come from those who believe they are ill and do not deserve it. They have lost love ones for no reason of their concern but only that God is not fair to all.

You will see in verse 15 that nations even in David’s day had fallen into their own trap. We need to compare this thought in that time with the facts that exist today. The desire of nations to overpower the rest of the world has led to the destruction of nation after nation down through the ages. Egypt lost to the Israelites who in turn lost to Rome. Even later in history, Hitler and Germany set out to rule the world…and Italy, Russia, Japan, followed. Today we see Islamic nations desiring the destruction of the Christian world.
In every one of these cases the cruel despots are falling into their own traps. They are caught up in the net that they have concealed. Nations must realize that God is just and will only allow his justice to win out in the end.

Some of God’s foes use men like David, Paul, and other outstanding bible characters as examples of the unjust treatment allowed and even encouraged by God. God’s word explains the wicked ways of David and then applauds him for his strong trust and dependence in God. With adultery and murder in his past, he was applauded as a man after God’s own heart.

Paul admitted to being the most wicked of all men but has to be one of the greatest of all disciples…the greatest of men who ever lived and taught. These are only two examples of men who emerged in greatness because of their submergence in their true belief in God Almighty.

Just remember that it is not the sins you commit that will doom you to hell. Think now…It is not your sins of commission that will cause your final destruction…but it is your one sin of omission. The one thing that you fail to do that becomes final and unforgivable happens during your life time of failing to accept Christ as your Savior…Salvation is in him, AND HIM ONLY.

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