Sunday, June 21, 2009

Living by the Gospel - Galatians 3:26 - 4

Physical growth of children is the responsibility of the parents requiring them to furnish healthy food through a balanced diet; exercise and rest in the required amounts and to furnish the proper care and concern during the developing years. There are no inborn characteristics that automatically make this a difficult task. Spiritual growth of children is also the responsibility of the parents requiring them to set the proper example and provide instruction in the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. There is an inborn characteristic that causes the child to rebel, and refuse to ingest the spiritual diet. He/she was conceived in sin; born in inequity and if they live to reach the age of accountability they become entirely responsible for their lost condition.
Physical maturity starts at birth and requires a proper diet and physical activity—it starts at birth and continues for a varying period of time; at least twenty one years. Spiritual growth starts at the time of spiritual birth [when one is born again] and should continue for the remainder of this life on earth. You should note that both of these processes require a great length of time. There is no fast lane. Spiritual growth [LIVING BY THE GOSPEL] comes one day at a time: through a dedicated prayer life; through sacrifice and service to others; and through dedicated worship of almighty God.
Paul contends that we obtain or acquire our Christian life by grace through faith simply believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior. His opponents, the Jewish leaders held fast to the argument that some phases of the law were essential to salvation. Paul said no, but it is to be our guide, or proof that we are in need of salvation. In 3: 23 Paul emphasized: “So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ [or until Christ comes] that we might be justified by faith.” It may be that if we fully understand what the Law really consist of…what it does…how it works…that we can see that it is not a plan of salvation in itself. So what is the law? There were three types all found in the Old Testament.
First there was the Ceremonial Law and it related specifically to the way the people worshipped [Leviticus 1: 1-13]. The primary purpose was to point the people forward to the coming Messiah, Jesus Christ. Therefore {in Paul’s opinion} these laws were no longer required to obtain eternal life after the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Though our salvation does not depend upon the Ceremonial law—the principals behind them, and taught by them—to worship and love a holy God, still applies.
Secondly, Civil law was to guide daily living in Israel, see [Deuteronomy 24: 10-11]. Our modern society is so different from theirs that it is impossible to follow some instructions in exactly the same way. Again, there are principals behind these laws that that Christians should practice. Paul even asks some gentiles to practice some of these laws just to promote harmony. That is, they did not save the gentile, but the Jews did not resent the gentile as much.
Third and still very important to modern day society is the MORAL LAW as given in the Ten Commandments [Exodus 20: 1-17]. Moral Law requires strict obedience. It reveals the nature and will of God, and has and will always apply to all people, not to obtain salvation but to please and obey God. America needs to read again the one that says “Thou shall not kill” and then they need to realize what happens to a living child that is several months old when it is surgically removed from its mother and cast into the trash dumpster.
Read 3: 26-29. Probably the reason for using the term of being clothed with Christ was used because in the Roman society they youth that come of age laid aside the robe of childhood and was clothed in the adult toga that many times represented his profession. Their toga usually indicated whether they were in clergy, a judge, priest, carpenter or farmer, free or slave. Paul was indicating that those who were baptized were now spiritually grown and ready to assume responsibilities of the church. He may have meant that they had laid down the robe of the Law and took on Christ’s new robe of righteousness.
When he reminded them that they were now neither male nor female [just Christians] he was probably thinking about some Jews that would pray thanking God that they were neither female nor gentile. This is one of the first times in scripture when women were declared equal to men in that Christ died for all alike. It is somewhat surprising to me that at sometime during the last two thousand years more of the battered women of the Far East and Africa have not found the teachings of the New Testament regarding the equal treatment of women. In many places they are compelled to remain covered and silent.
Beginning in the 8th verse of the 4th chapter Paul begins to reveal his concern for the position the Gentiles are in. Even those who had heard him when he was there with them preaching have begun to slip back under the thumb of those that were over them making slaves of them and denying them their rightful place in worship and Christian practice.
He warns the Galatians that they are being slaves to those who are not Gods. All of you are equal and you should bow to no one. Paul reminded them of how he was sick and a burden to them and they still took care of him and treated him with great respect. They appeared to be joyful and content in their new faith centered salvation. He wonders what has happened that has caused the difference, and he warns them that they are being misled by those who do not believe in salvation by grace through faith.
Paul warns them that the Jews are zealous and determined to win them over. I simply must warn you who read and study this lesson today that a foe much greater and stronger is set at this moment to win over all Christian nations, especially the United States and they are determined to take away our rights regarding freedom of religion.
We have been warned before by some of the leading powers in the world that America was its worst enemy and that we would decay and fall as a result of our own leadership. We have never been so near as we are today. When the President tells the world that we are no longer a Christian Nation and the Christians sit silent and do not protest…what do you think others believe? How much longer will the Christians of America sit quietly by and watch this President totally destroy our Nation?
“Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?” Paul asked the Galatians and I ask you. He said to them and I say to you “Those people are zealous to win you over, but for no good. What they want is to alienate you from us, so you may be zealous for them.”
How much longer do you really believe you will have the right to practice your religious beliefs in public?

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