Sunday, February 15, 2009

You Can Stay Calm - II Thessalonians 2:1-17

As a general rule, most people are interested in future events and many of them have a particular interest in knowing more abut what will take place at the end of this age. I remember well that my parents were unable to buy many books during the depression years of the 30s, but somehow they always found a way to afford the new Farmers Almanac each year. The primary reason for the popularity of the Almanac was that it had all of the needed predictions for preparation and planting of different crops for best results. It let us know the changes of seasons, the position of the moon and where the signs were ‘at’.

I never understood what the signs ‘were’ but always knew where they were ‘at’—and I have always known that you never plant seed of any kind and expected them to sprout and grow well unless the sign was in the groin area…And just to make sure you knew where the groin area was—the illustrator drew the outline of a man and marked the important parts like the brain, the heart, lungs, and groin area. Be honest now—wouldn’t you really like to know when Gabriel’s trumpet will sound—and time will be no more?? Most people would. It may be that they just think they want to know. If you have not accepted Christ as Savior, you really do not want to know.

If you are not interested in the end time, that tells me that you have not read the bible, probably have attended church little or none, and are completely unaware of the promise of Jesus Christ that as “People saw him go, so will he come again.” I know exactly—to the very moment—when Christ will return and I believe that you want to know. I may be the only person on earth that can tell you with assurance, but I can do it. “Listen carefully” ‘He will return as a thief in the night, when he is not expected;’ And it will be at the exact time that he has set on his clock. “Believe it or not.”

Some of the particulars are very dim in my memory but at least three different predictions of the end time have come in the last thirty years. In the early 80s a book was published that heightened the interest of many as to when the end of time would come. Later in the 80s a pamphlet was circulated that had a definite prediction regarding the second coming of Christ. Both dates came and went with no expectations met… and no signs of an approaching Savior.

The last and very disturbing prediction came in connection with the end of 1999 and the beginning of the new century. Many of you can remember all the chatter about how this change in the century would bring a major break down in the computer age, in the timing system and that this Y2-k problem probably was connected to the second coming of Christ. Gabriel did not blow his trumpet! And we are all still here. YOU CAN STAY CALM IF YOU WILL ONLY MAINTAIN YOUR CONFIDENCE in the teaching of Paul regarding the second coming of Christ.

I have read what Paul said in his letters to the Thessalonians church, I hope that you have, or will. I believe Paul was inspired to write truth and if I am right you can make no mistake if you realize that Christ can return at any moment, and absolutely “NO ONE” knows when it will be. The only thing absolutely sure about this matter is that each one of us must be ready at all times. Even with this kind of expectation, WE CAN STAY CALM and MAINTAIN CONFIDENCE if we are born again.

We are fortunate to have several channels on TV that devote time and money to spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. I have personally viewed two or three movies connected with the end time. The “Left Behind” series is one example. I realize that man wrote the script and that it had to be done in a way that would appeal to the public, but I especially appreciate the teaching that Christians will leave all behind and go to be with the Lord. The pilot of the plane flying at 30,000 feet will disappear into the heavens and the co-pilot will have to take over and land the plane. The farmer in the field will leave his plow and be gone while his family is left behind. The mother will go to be with her Lord, and her children will realize they did not make the call. The scripture teaches us that there will be turmoil as “gnashing of teeth,” and crying for the mountains to fall on those remaining.

In all of this “YOU CAN STAY CALM if you MAINTAIN YOUR CONFIDENCE in what God’s word teaches us about the end of time as we know it and the “coming of the lord.” Make no mistake. Jesus could return as you are reading this lesson. Believers are to live each moment with an expecting heart and not setting dates and time. Above all, please do not depend on scholars of biblical history, or so-called prophets, who claim to have inside information. This lesson is designed to help believers confirm the basic biblical truths about Jesus’ return and clarify what our expectations should be. To my faithful readers, I apologize for having to repeat myself in the last two or three lessons. It is necessary because the Thessalonians misunderstood Paul’s teaching in his first letter and he had to re-teach again about the second coming. I am doing what Paul did. This is reinforcement about the second coming, necessary because it is the most important event that will ever occur in our lives, or in our after life.

In 2: 1 Paul exalts us to depend upon the truth of the scriptures and to listen to no man regarding the second coming. He describes the conditions that will exist at the time. Paul describes the end of the world and Christ’s second coming. He says that great suffering and trouble is ahead, but that evil will not prevail, because Christ will return as the Judge of all of us. He makes it plain that our position is to simply make sure that we are ready and able to remain calm and confident that we are in his will and way.

In 2: 2 he tells us not to be worried or unsettled or alarmed by some false prophesy, report or letter that was supposed to have come from him saying that the day of the Lord had already come. It has not come. It will come soon, and it could be as we study this together. Our definition of time is not the same as God’s definition. Do not be deceived by what you read. Do not take MY word. Read God’s Word carefully and see what the Word tells you about this subject. Throughout history there have been individuals who epitomized evil—and have been opposed to everything that Christ stands for. These are the antichrists that have lived among us and will continue to teach error until His return.

In that final day the most noted antichrist of all time will arise. Just before Christ returns the “man of lawlessness”…”the man doomed to destruction” a completely evil man will arise and take charge of the world. He will be Satan’s chosen envoy, a diplomat operating with the power of Satan and will be known as the last of the antichrist. This will be the one mentioned in Revelation that will require his followers to wear the mark of the beast.

It is not unusual to hear people talk about some individual that they think might be the final antichrist. I believe that it is dangerous for us to label any person as the antichrist and try to predict Christ’s coming based on our assumption. Paul talks about the coming antichrist not that we should try to identify him, but that we should always be ready to face any false teacher that might threaten our faith. Christians must remember that our assurance is based on our faith, believing that God is in charge and that he will work things out according to his plan…and his plan is to protect his people here and save them in the end time. Our task is to be prepared and to spread the gospel so that others can also prepare.

In the early days of the church at Thessalonica Christians misunderstood and were actually in danger of loosing their hope in the second coming. Then they shifted to the other extreme with many believing that Christ would return any day. In this second letter, Paul tried to correct their false assumptions. He explained that there were certain events that would happen before his return. Paul assured us that the antichrist would be held back and revealed in God’s time. We have had a law abiding and God fearing nation in the past and I think that has held Satan back. The work of the Holy Spirit definitely has something to do with his deterrence. Paul did not say for sure who would hold him back…but you can be assured that someone is in his way or he would move to destroy us now.

The horror of the last days lies in the fact that the antichrist will be able to do miracles in the name of Satan, and through his power, and this will lead many to follow him. The magicians of today can perform miracles; they do it for money and show. Christ performed miracles to win people to his way. It is not who performs miracles that counts…it is the purpose that is important. The antichrist will use miracles to win people to his way…he will use them as signs and wonders to deceive many and to draw his following. He will lead many away from God. Oh’ ye of little faith, you had better believe that salvation begins and ends with God and not false teachers.

Paul knew his followers would face troubles, trials and persecution and that they would have to be strong in faith and unwavering in their efforts to live both in and for Christ. There has been no change in this teaching. We face our own problems and it is absolutely necessary that we cling to His promises to protect and save us; and to share with us that special place in heaven that He has prepared especially for us. You need not fear. You need not be upset or unsure just because you do not know when…Just be ready and YOU CAN SAY CALM.

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