Sunday, February 20, 2011

Got to Have Hope - 2 Kings 18:28-32; 19:5-7,15-19

I do not like the word hopeless and only remember a couple of times in life when things really seemed that way to me. In 1943, the war was raging and I volunteered for the Air Corps, knowing that as a graduating senior I would have to go. I was turned down and placed in classification 4-F, and really thought that I was safe from the draft. Juanita and I got married in April of 44. In August, 44, I got my summoned to appear for the Infantry, and was drafted, and ordered to report for duty in 30 days. That was my first hopeless day.

In October, 1946, I sustained a back injury and entered Kennedy Hospital in Memphis. In April, 6 months and 5 days later I returned home to a wife and one daughter, unable to work, and was sitting in a swing on my front porch watching traffic pass by. I felt hopeless. Within the next two years every thing changed. God chose to reveal his love to me in a personal way. For the first time in my life I walked into the presence of God, not as a boy brought up in a Christian home, but I had become a Christian, Joined First Baptist Church, finished 72 hr. of college work, and had my first teaching job. When you have no hope, Christ is the answer.

The lesson this week is intended to help us rely on the saving power of Almighty God even when we are in what appears to be a seemingly hopeless situation. Jesus Christ has packed the New Testament with a bundle of promises that are ours for the asking—if we will only believe. I HOPE that I can show you just how easy it is to place your HOPE in Christ the Lord who never fails you. He even knows the number of hairs on your head.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

U-Turn Here—and Now! - 2 Kings 17:5-9a,13-15,18-20

In recent lessons we have discussed the problem in America concerning homosexuality, same sex marriages, and abortion, all are sinful in the sight of God. All are sinful because they defy the will of God regarding the family and God’s reason for creating both man and woman and establishing the proper relationships they should maintain. We must realize that it is just as sinful and also hypocritical for anyone to condemn these people, while they are married and at the same time are involved in extra-marital relationships; committing adultery, and causing their partner to be adulators as well.

Our lesson this Sunday is regarding the fall of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Because God loved these people He sent his prophets to warn them, but they adamantly refused to repent of their sins; and it ultimately resulted in the demise of the entre kingdom. Had they repented of their sins, God would have protected them against their enemies and the nation would have been saved. It was their refusal to repent and serve Him that brought His final judgment. Our goal in the lesson today is to examine our own attitudes and actions that are against God’s will and seek forgiveness before His judgment falls on us. No lesson has ever had a title that fit America any better than this one does. This country needs to make a quick U-TURN HERE AND NOW.

Space and time prevents the listing of all related scripture; however, it is necessary for you to know what God says in his word regarding sin and its consequences. Just remember that there is always a pay-day some-day. Please read the background and lesson passages as listed above in the heading. The Israelites refused to listen to the priest sent to warn them and persisted in their sins, and the punishment included the total destruction of their country. This lesson is a warning that is applicable to us today in America and in my opinion we are following the same destructive path that they traveled.

The central story related throughout both first and second Kings has always been regarding the one important issue; God’s claim for loyalty. The list of their sins is long and regarding many things but the cause for God’s indictment was basically the breaking of the first commandment; “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me” [Exod. 20: 2-3].

We have come to the third and final invasion of Assyria into Israel [The first two are recorded in the 15th chapter, verses 19 and 29, and the people should have learned from them—but didn’t.] This time they were taken captive and moved to other nations, and replaced by foreigners. God did what he had warned that he would do in Deuteronomy 28. He had given Israel ample warning, but they still ignored God and went their own way. Their challenge was to honor God and be a light to the world. Their failure resulted in the birth of Christ and his redemptive power nearly 6000 years later.

Israel’s judgment came because the people copied the evil customs of the other evil nations surrounding them, worshiping false gods, accommodating pagan customs, and following their own selfish desires. It is not safe to create your own religion because it creates selfishness. Living selfishly always brings serious consequences from God. It is not easy to always put God and others first; however you can either live for God or die for yourself. What God thinks is much more important than what others think of you—see: Romans 12: 1-2, and 1 John 2: 15-17.

See 2 Kings 17: 9-15, sins are both public and private, wickedness and idolatry in public, and private sins that people do not want others to know about. God always knows what people believe and what they are doing. God’s mercy and patience are always beyond our ability to understand. He will constantly pursue us until we respond or by our own choice [each person must accept or reject God’s mercy], become unreachable. His judgment is swift and sure. My choice, your choice, America’s choice is to do a U-TURN to God before our sinful ways and stubbornness puts us out of His reach. The bible teaches us that “God’s spirit will NOT always strive with man.” He does have a limit, beyond which He will not hear our prayers.

Far too many Americans are willing to compromise their faith by participating in interfaith worship where it is admissible to pray to God, but the name of Christ cannot be mentioned. There are some religious leaders today that say that our belief that Jesus Christ is the Only Way can be compared to the terrorist of September 11, who believe that their religion is the only way. I sense a movement in America [to my sorrow condoned by the main-stream media] to embrace a pervasive tolerance that would finally rule our belief in one God as being arrogant and even oppressive. It is our place as Christians not to condemn or oppress, but to present an open invitation, to all that will believe, to come to Christ. Those who support the “one church” idea must remember that God demands exclusive loyalty, and Jesus Christ plainly told us that He alone—“is the Only Way to the Father.

I realize that there is a need for Christians to accept and extend a helping hand to others, because there will always be diversity, and we must share Christ with the world. We also must be carefully aware that the religious confusion in our society today bears a close resemblance to the conditions in Samaria 600 years BC, as described in the lesson for today. They paid a price, and it was the complete loss of their country. A corrupt view of God and corrupted practice of worship will lead any nation to destruction.

How did early America, the weakest nation on earth, sustain against some of the strongest nations, England, France, and Spain? I know! Our soldiers with bare feet, wrapped in paper and cloth, bleeding as they crossed the Delaware, were successful because of a profound belief in God and conviction that they were right. The founders of this nation called on God for His protection and help in every document that was written including our constitution. We need a U-TURN back to those same beliefs and practices.

We can not afford to compromise our faith because it leads to further compromise and corruption. God will not accept, or even tolerate, anything less than exclusive loyalty to Him; and there is no doubt that we become what we worship. We must guard our hearts against anything that compromises the truth of God, and our biblically based convictions. I truly believe that our greatest threat in America today is the temptation of the masses to syncretisma combination of different forms of beliefs and practices, many of which have ignored our Creator. God bless America!

I invite you to worship in my church next Sunday. Make sure that you go to the church of your choice and worship regularly. Even more importantly, make sure that the teachings of the church you attend is that there is only one God, one faith, and one baptism; and that salvation is by grace, through faith in Christ Jesus. Christianity is not a religion; it is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. In order to be born again, you must believe in Jesus, repent of your sins, and invite Him to come into your heart and live through you.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Danger! Unbridled Passion - 2 Kings 9 -10

There are two unbridled passions in our country today that would require a nation-wide poll directed by competent and unbiased experts, to determine which is the most deadly; is it sex or religion? These are not new problems. For example, uncontrolled sexual desire cost King David his reputation and came back to haunt him the rest of his life. His son, Saul, followed in his father’s foot steps; his desire for foreign women resulted in his worship of other gods. His example illustrates both of the problems, sex and religion. Jezebel’s religion [worship of false gods] cost the earthly lives of many who refused to bow to her gods; and also condemned for eternity those that worshipped along with her.

In America today, the growing passion for sexually oriented activity is no longer restricted to late night television. Even the advertising of necessities like food and clothing now exploit the minds of young people during prime time. There are only a very few movies made, or modern music written that does not use explicit sexual references. There may be as many false religions in our country today as there were false gods worshipped in the days of the Kings.

The numbers of cult leaders have grown rapidly, many during my life time. Their congregations have a sincere passion to follow the leader; their passion is so great that some have taken their own lives. We are made to wonder; and it is a question we do not desire to answer—would we give up our life rather than to deny Christ? We, all must realize that Christianity is a relationship and is not a religion.

The nature of man is somewhat like that of the animal cat family. They seek out a dominant leader and follow him until he is old, weak and replaced by a new lion king, and their mind is never aware that there is a higher power. Man develops a zeal or passion to follow the leader and not the will of God. We must remember that zeal or passion—even for the Lord is not an acceptable substitute for obedience of the Lord. I am very concerned that some Baptist relies too heavily on their sincere belief in the security of the believer. The doctrine is biblically sound and I believe it. However, I also know that Christ said that any man that loves him will keep his commandments. That simply means that a believer will obey God. If man could have kept all of the commandments, using his own power, the death of Christ on the Cross would not have been necessary. I am so glad that Christians who are disobedient can repent and Christ will forgive—70 x 70.

[NOTE: One of the greatest sermons I have ever heard—“PAY-DAY SOME-DAY,” by Dr. R.G. Lee, former pastor of Bell-View Baptist, in Memphis, was based on the passage of scripture in our study today. It was taped and I have a copy, and will be happy to share it.] Unbelievers, be aware! Your pay day will come. You can either dine with Christ, at his expense—the price he paid on the cross—or pay the bill yourself!]

Our lesson today proclaims the great danger of unbridled passion. Pharaoh, king of Egypt ruled his kingdom with an unbridled passion for the people to be submissive to him and see him as their god. Both he and his people paid a terrible price before he was convinced to let God’s people go free. A historical review of the Old Testament reveals many other examples, but none surpass the passion of Jezebel and King Ahab in their zeal to promote Baal [idol] worship and show no mercy for anyone that did not follow their wishes. Their pay day was coming. There is always a limit beyond which God will not allow disobedience to continue. They did not just break—they shattered—the commandment that states “You shall have no other gods before Me.”

Perhaps the straw that broke the back of God’s tolerance came when Jezebel had Naboth [a good and Godly man] and his boys murdered because he would not sell them his vineyard. It was in Jezreel, near their palace, and she was determined to take it for her husband. She had Naboth killed because he would not sell; and she had his sons murdered to prevent them from inheriting the land. God’s judgment came and the penalty seems very harsh. Many would die as a result.

God commissioned Elisha to carry out his instructions to eliminate Idol worshipers. Elisha summoned a man from the company of prophets told him to anoint Jehu, son of Jehoshaphat, and instruct him to attack and kill King Ahab and all of his followers, including Jezebel. Prophets had predicted that the dogs would lick the blood of Ahab and dogs would eat the body of Jezebel, and it happened just as had been prophesied. This is a vivid story that reveals the wrath of God, and the extreme, but just, punishment that was pronounced, and this very interesting and detailed story is recorded in the ninth chapter of 2 Kings— our lesson for today—and I hope you will read it.

I must remind you again that the bible is true. This detailed story does not paint a pretty picture. It was not included in the Word for our enjoyment—but as a warning that God does not condone sin in the lives of his people and there is no escape except through the acceptance of Christ as our Savior. The wheels of justice grind slowly at times but there will be a ‘pay day someday.’

Two years passed before Ahab shed his blood in the chariot in which he was riding, and before he could be removed the dogs had licked his blood clean. It was twenty years before Jehu drove his chariot under the palace window and demanded that Jezebel be thrown to the ground. Because she was a queen, Jehu instructed his men to take her body and bury it, and they reported back and said that the dogs had eaten all of her except her head, hands and feet. No doubt the dogs rejected the head that had connived against God, the hands that had worked her ungodly scheme and her feet that had trod in Naboth’s holy vineyard.

The question of the day is which passion is most prevalent—is it sex or false religions? Fifty million babies have been aborted, murdered, since Roe vs. Wade and a majority of these were conceived because of sexual passion. In my opinion there are more false religions, some bearing the names of prominent denominations, than there are churches that preach Christ who was crucified for the salvation of man kind. You alone are responsible to know the difference. You can find the truth in God’s word. You can find a Christ centered church if you try.

There are churches that preach and teach the truth; and that is that, salvation comes through the Grace of Jesus Christ [it is free, unearned and not deserved]. His grace must be accepted by faith—you just simply must ‘believe’ and call on the name of Jesus to save you.