Is God Still Working in the World? - Mark 4:14-32
If you had ask me this question when I was a new Christian at 21 years old, I would have given you an overwhelming YES because I had just encountered his love and influence on my life and I was sure that things happening around me each day were as a result of his daily intervention as my life bringing about frequent and noticeable improvements. I was a happy young Christian.
I was young, industrious, constantly associated with young people and could experience daily examples of their reactions to me, others, and life in general. These kids were far from perfect, but were normal and natural and not mixed up in mind and spirit. The young and older were not perfect, never was, but would admit that God was ever present, working his will through all that would accept his love in their life.
That was sixty-four years ago and I will still give you an overwhelming YES, God is still here with us, working his will into the lives of believers, because in these many years I have learned much more about God’s nature and why he sent his Son to save his people. No deity would invest so much in his holdings and walk off and leave it without attention. He was in charge the day the earth and all therein was created, and He still is. The fallen angel, Lucifer, was powerful and at war with God the first day, and he has never stopped. Admittedly in something over six thousand years, the devil has learned many new ways to confuse people and lead them to believe that God has gone back to heaven to live in luxury and is no longer at work on earth in our behalf.
In those early days of my Christian life the energy flowed and activities involving Christ and people stood out as proof of his intervention in our affairs. In these latter days when energy levels are low, I depend on the may years of experience, and the fact that there is an inter feeling of binding love and appreciation for His word which has convinced me that he has never left me alone and will never forsake me.
Lack of paper, ink and time will prevent me from being inclusive about all the adverse changes that I have witnessed, but I will assure you that it is not a myth—it is truth; Satin is more experienced than ever, and has learned many new way to attack God’s people. Admittedly, at times it seems that evil is winning over God’s worldly influence, but if you know and believe the bible this should not be a surprise. Christ is not willing that any should perish, but that all should become children of God. It is not his will that one single person wind up in Hell. But you can not accuse him of being ignorant; he knew from the start that many would reject him. He told us that the Low Road to hell is wide and well lighted and that MANY of the people will travel this LOW road and spend eternity in hell. In the same passage He told us that the High Road is narrow, [evidently not as well lighted and marked with signs that men could choose to follow] and FEW will find their way to heaven by traveling the HIGH road.
I know that it sounds harsh and brash, but just because Christian Believers are in the minority, and seem to be falling behind in numbers in the world today, does not mean we are loosing. Just the opposite; it means that we are one of the FEW that will enjoy eternity with Christ in Heaven. So look up in fear and trembling if you are one that disbelieves that God no longer works among men today; that mean that you are one of those traveling the Low Road to hell on a fast train—maybe a jet-liner or a 20-lane, one-way super highway, wide, well lighted, and going down hill…it is the LOW road to Hell.
I heard on ABC evening news today that some survey shows that a shocking percentage of those that claim to be Christians go to more than one church. The national news [all of them are guilty] reports only those things that are shocking and controversial. What they should be interested in reporting is how many go to church anywhere. I have gone regularly for over sixty-five years. Why do they not interview people like you and me who go the church of our choice and trust God all the way?
I know this preparation is going to sound personal. It is, because it tells you what I know to be true and is the story you need to hear. Yes GOD IS STILL WORKING IN THE WORLD AS 2009 DRAWS TO AN END. I could be critical of my church, and would have reasons to tear it down, but I choose to go positive.
I Joined First Baptist, Heber Springs, in 1975, 34 years ago last July and we are just about the same size if you count heads in membership. Regular attendance on Sundays has varied from about 300 to 500 or a few more. The facts that are much more convincing regarding God at work, is when you add to the regular Sunday morning attendance, all of the activity in the Children’s church, in the youth department, in the individual and specific church activities such as the women’s study groups, the nail benders, and the list goes on, and there is much duplication, but by the end of each week the number could easily be a thousand or more. Multiply this by 52 weeks times the 34 years and it looks like God may have been working in this neighborhood at least 176,800,000 times. The only feet and hands He has to work with are those belonging to dedicated Christians and they can be found in all the other God fearing churches in the community—that means that the 176 million plus is just a drop in the bucket.
We at Heber First have our good and bad times, but have never stopped working in this world. And then there are all of the outreaches from our church that add to God’s influence. We sponsor local, state, national and foreign missions—and ours is the most generous of any congregation of any where I have ever been a member. People, hear me now; we are God working in this world. I warned that it would sound as if I am tooting our horn…personally. I realize that our efforts are only a drop in the bucket and that we could do more. When we fail we only limit Him, we never stop him from working to save the lost and feeding his sheep.
The scriptures suggested to be use as background material for our lesson today is found in Mark 3: to 6: 6a, and the passage for emphasis is found in 4: 1-34. Jesus and his disciples were along the shores of Galilee and the people were already so impressed with [God working in the world at that time] that the crowds had grown until the press of the people was causing problems. Notice that Christ was working, and [His disciples who could be thought of as the people in his church of that day] were at his side helping each day. Note: Christians today are at His side working today in this world.
In that day His church was small in number of members. Jesus told us that he established His church, and the gates of hell would never prevail against it. It is still here on earth, working, and has MORE members than ever.
Jesus taught in parables, and he has left his word, with his parables as examples for us to use as teaching materials. That has not changed. He used highly recognized people and things to teach life-giving and life changing lessons and Christians do the same today. One of the parables he used concerned the farmer that sewed seeds in four different kinds of ground, three of which failed to produce a harvest. Yes, he warned them that three out of four seed beds would fail. That phenomenon has not changed. The devil never ceases to remind us of all of our failures and tries to make us believe that God is no longer working as he once did. Don’t believe his lies. Christ told us that good seed sewn in good ground [which represents those of us who hear the word, and embrace the word] will produce a crop that will be 30 to 100 times what was sewn. Christian seed are still being sewn and many new converts are still being reborn in the world today.
Jesus taught the balance of life message in verse twenty-four, and today it is the lazy and unbelieving that are finding fault and accuse God of forsaking his people. He told the people that they would get what they gave. Man reaps what he sews. This is true in the study of the word; the more you are willing to study the word the more you will learn from it. It is true in worship, the more you take with you to church, the more you will get from your worship. We do have a problem today. Far too many go to church to get and are not willing to give. Want to know who they are? Listen and see who is criticizing the preacher; who dislikes the music director and criticizes the music program.
In this passage you will find the Law of Increase. It is hard and harsh but true. To him who already has still more will be given; and from him who has not; even what he has will be taken away. For example, it is true of knowledge. The more you know, the more you are capable of knowing—so study to show thyself approved. It is true in effort; within the limits of your bodily strength, the stronger you are the more you can do. If you take what you have and exercise you will become stronger. Sit and do nothing and you will weaken each day. [Oh, do I know this to be true. Arthritis teaches this truth. It is true of one able to bear responsibility. If you refuse to be responsible you will soon be irresponsible. Finally, it is true regarding any skill. Work hard and make first chair in the band; refuse to practice and you will be asked to drop out of the band altogether.
Men who forget this law of increase are the ones that look around today and think God has quit, simply because they are not willing to do what they have to do in order to see spiritual things happen. I ask you—have you quit exercising, practicing, studying and learning, an accepting your responsibility in the kingdom work? Do you go to church to GET or GIVE?