Sunday, December 31, 2006

Working Cooperatively - Nehemiah 1:1 to 3:32

Can you believe that we will have completed the sixth year of the twenty-first century at the toll of midnight, tonight? Did you receive a very special gift during the Christmas Holidays? Juanita and I DID. Our only grandson, Dr. Lance Weathers and his wife Natalie announced that the birth of our first and only GREAT grandchild will occur early in August of 2007. This special announcement works in accord with the title of our lesson for this Sunday. By working cooperatively together they will bring a ray of sunshine and happiness into our family about seven months from now. Thank the Lord, for his goodness never ceases.

We completed the study of the book of Ezra two weeks ago with an optimistic attitude because of his great leadership exhibited in the rebuilding of the temple. He encountered great opposition and was delayed. The old devil always finds a way to interrupt anything that God’s people try to do. The temple was completed but the work of building the wall of protection around the city was opposed by some and again Satan was on the scene working against all that the people were trying to do. At this point in history Nehemiah led the third group of exiles to return to Jerusalem with the intent of building the wall of protection around the city including the new temple.

Nehemiah is the last of the historical books recorded in the Old Testament. This book records the history of the third group that returned to Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity. It records the struggles incurred as they rebuilt the walls to protect their city and the new temple. There is nothing that can renew the Christian’s faith like the success of work dedicated to honor God. The book attests to their renewed faith in God.

Nehemiah wrote most of the book in first person and is considered to be its author; however some think that Ezra was by his side and may have acted as editor of the book. It was written during the period of 445 to 432 BC. The first group that returned to Jerusalem from Babylon was led by Zerubbabel in 538 BC; in 458 Ezra led the second group that returned; and the group we will study now is the third one and it was led by Nehemiah who was determined to see that the city was protected by the new walls. In the lesson prepared for Christmas which was last Sunday I made reference to people who are always finding fault, complaining, and even writing letters to the editor. As we begin this study on Nehemiah, the first thing we find is that he is not one of those who complains and does nothing. He was a man with great faith with a life completely dedicated to God’s work.

If you are one that goes to the barber shop or beauty parlor, or meets the gang at the Smoke House to drink coffee each morning—here are some of the things you will hear. “I can’t believe what is happening in our government in DC.” “If I was up there I would…” “What that church needs is…” “Well, what our church needs is…” “Our schools are failing. Someone ought to do something.” “He was honest and dependable before he was elected—but just watch, he will change when the wealthy lobbyist get to him.” “Why doesn’t he let the QB throw the ball—there is always a tight-end open.”

“Armchair quarterbacks” gripers, complainers, and those who think they are prophets all abound. Why? Because it easy to analyze, scrutinize and simply talk about the everyday problems that exist in our world and then there is no pressure for the griper to produce better results. “What we really need is a person who will not just discuss problems—but will DO something about them.” Nehemiah was a man that did just that.


Nehemiah heard about the problem existing in Jerusalem. He was not happy with the people and their response to Ezra’s leadership. He could have chosen to complain—“If I were there I would…” “If Ezra had done…this or that…he would not have failed.” But Nehemiah chose the high road. He determined that ‘with God’s approval and help’ he would go home and furnish the materials and organize the labor force needed to rebuild the wall. Do not miss this important point. Nehemiah was at that time ‘cupbearer’ to the King of Persia, Artaxerxes and surely must have been secure, well paid, settled at home and had no great desire to give up his luxuries. His choice was to sacrifice and follow God’s calling and it was not for personal gain…in fact just the opposite occurred.

Nehemiah is a perfect example of a man with leadership and organizational abilities. He prayed and sought God’s will, asking God to use him to rebuild these walls. He could have chosen to drink coffee with the boys and criticize others for not doing the job. He left everything he owned behind, giving up a comfortable and wealthy position in the King’s household in Persia. He returned to his distraught people in Jerusalem, and a weakened government—only to find that they were not protected from outside enemies. One of his main challenges was to organize a defense around the workers who were rebuilding.

Whether it be in the national or state government, in the schools or the church—criticizing others and complaining about the process will not solve the problem. The responsible person will recognize the problem and start making the plans necessary to carry out the task. READ 2: 1-10.

How often have you as a parent observed that one of your children or your spouse was deeply concerned or even upset about something. They have not told you…and they didn’t have to tell you that something was wrong. There is picture of a problem in their eyes, on their face, or in their mannerism. It is obvious to you and they can not hide the picture from you even though they try. You say, “Something is bothering you.” or “I sense that you are upset or distraught about something…what is it?”

This is a picture of the incident between King Artaxerxes and Nehemiah the king’s cupbearer. He must have been a happy and interesting cupbearer because the king saw immediately that he was sad about something and he wasn’t ill. Nehemiah was frightened because there was a rule in this kingdom that one could not exhibit a mournful attitude in the presence of the king. In Ester 4:2 you can read that anyone in sackcloth could not even enter the gate into the temple. He had to overcome his fear and boldly approach the King telling him about God’s call on his life, and he then made his request for the King to approve of his plan and help him to acquire the needed supplies…he even requested protection as he traveled. I am afraid most of us have been called to do a work for God and because of fear…we have neglected to go. Young people especially, are called on daily to live the Christian life as their witness for Him…but because of fear of what their friends will do or say, they do nothing—or at times will choose to ‘follow the crowd’ and therefore they loose their opportunity to witness. We should never have fear as we follow God’s will for our lives; know for sure…if God’s calls you to do a work for him…He will go with you and furnish what ever you need to be successful.

There is no way to overemphasize the need for prayer. In verse four Nehemiah said; the king said to me, “What is it you want?” “Then I prayed to the God of heaven…” With little time to think...he prayed. In fact there are eight places in this book that records the fact that Nehemiah prayed. When you enter a work for God, even though he has instituted the call, your first response should be to pray for divine guidance and his power. If you have not recognized a call from God, then you need to pray asking him why you are not being included in his host of helpers.

During the ninety years of exile, the Samaritans had moved into the homes left behind, they had occupied the better farms and vineyards, and reopened the places of business…they were now the power structure. When Zerubbabel first returned with a group of exiles, he had refused to allow the Samaritans to have any part in the first years of the rebuilding of the land. Now this is the third group to return and they feared the loss of property and power. They did not want God’s people to succeed. Time has not changed the minds of powerful rulers. The Bible was written by people just like we are today, except they spoke a different language and the names of people and places are often difficult for us to understand or even pronounce. Some say that they have difficulty understanding the motives of some and the results of unfaithful people and their dastardly deeds. However, if the names were Bush, Washington and Lincoln our understanding would multiply greatly…and if the places in the bible were Arkansas, America and Mexico we would have little problem understanding what we are reading. This lesson today would be almost like reading the front pages of the news paper over the past few years. Problems today are about land, oil, trade, money and political power and control. As far as I know, they did not argue about the oil deposits…but the other problems are exactly the same.

Nehemiah and his exiles arrived in Jerusalem safely and before the end of the third day he had surveyed the destructive condition of the city walls. In verse seventeen he declared his intentions. “You see the trouble we are in; Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem and we will no longer be in disgrace.” In my mind’s eye, I can see a hoard of people standing before him ready for their instructions. Almost two hundred years have passed since the wall was torn down and burned, other nations had ruled over the city all this time and were still strong enough to cause some problems as the Jews start the rebuilding project. In verse eighteen he told them that God had called him to supervise the work and his king had sanctioned his plans to get it completed. The response was that of a group of people who have confidence in you…who believe you can do what you declare you will do. Positive people responded to positive leadership and they said…”Let us start rebuilding.” And they accepted his plans and leadership and began the work.

In the first verses of chapter three you can read and see that Nehemiah was an organizer…a leader…a promoter and knew how to get people to follow him as they completed this important assignment acknowledged and approved by God.

Being negative is the same as saying NO. It is hitting the brakes instead of the accelerator. It is closing down a Sunday school class instead of starting a new one. It is a vote to weaken the church instead of a vote to go forward and upward. Believe me Christian friends…old age will physically lock the brakes…physically slow you down…and physically prevent you from being the promoter and leader you still want to be. But that does not mean that you must mentally start standing in the way of progress. Our God has a positive mind set that demands action on the part of the true believer. The scriptures are overpowered with his commands for action, progress and success. Read it for yourself: Repent. Confess. Be baptized. Come unto me. Believe on me. Trust in me. Love and obey me. Feed my sheep. Go and teach. Love me and your brother. Forgive. Ask. Knock. Pray. When you obey…your broken walls will be restored.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Honoring the Savior's Birth - Matthew 1:1-18; 2:5-12

The first time I taught a Sunday school class—it was a group of ninth to twelfth graders at First Baptist Church, in Griffithville, Arkansas, about fifty-eight years ago. It would appear to most of you that after teaching the Christmas Story fifty or more times, any teacher should make some vast improvements in their presentation. I am always searching for new ideas and different ways to present the story of the birth of our Lord and Savior—however, it seemed to get harder each year. Then, just a few years ago, it finally became evident that this wonderful word picture of his birth has never changed—and the only improvement one can make is within our hearts…in how we love him more…and in allowing our faith in him to grow. The gospels tell the story of the birth of Christ, and if one will read the different versions with studious minds and an open heart, he/she will find that no man-written commentary can enhance the verbal picture recorded in the gospels.

In addition to our annual study of the simple story of the manger scene it appears to me that we should broaden our understanding of the time line about related incidences that occurred before and after his birth. Search the literature available and you will find that most writers agree to the information given below. The sequence of events and even the actual dates of the events are very important to us as they help prove beyond any doubt that Jesus Christ, is the Son of God and that he was born just as his birth was fore-told by the prophets of old.

Christ was born during the period of time when the Roman Empire was in power and growing as they conquered one nation after another.

• In 37 BC King Herod the Great became ruler of the Roman Empire
• In either 6 or 5 BC Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judah
• In either 5 or 4 BC Joseph and Mary took Jesus to Egypt for his safety
• In 4 BC Herod died and it seemed safe now for them to return
• In either 4 or 3 BC Joseph, Mary and Jesus returned to Nazareth
• In AD 6 Judea became a Roman province, Christ lived here
• In either AD 6 or 7 Jesus made his visit to the temple, where he confounded the priest and elders with his [first teaching job]
• In AD 14 Tiberius Caesar became Roman Emperor in Jerusalem
• In AD 26 Pontius Pilate was appointed as Governor of Judah
• In AD 26 or 27 Jesus began his ministry that lasted about three years
• In AD 28 Jesus chose the twelve disciples and they joined the ministry
• In AD 29 Jesus performed the miracle of fish and bread that fed the five thousand plus women and children
• In AD 30 Jesus was crucified, arose from the grave and ascended
• In AD 30 he sent The Holy Spirit to the upper room
• In AD 30 Jesus gave his church their true mission—to go and teach

Matthew was a Jew and his gospel is written primarily with the Jewish people in mind. He felt that it was necessary for him to prove that Jesus Christ was the Messiah who was predicted in the Old Testament, and in order for the Jews to accept him—it was necessary to prove that he was a descendant of both David and Abraham. As we know through other scriptures, the Jews recognized Jesus but would not accept him because they were looking for a KING and not a servant.

Matthew’s genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham is recorded in the first chapter. From Abraham to Christ there were forty-two generations. There were fourteen generations from Abraham to David…There were fourteen generations from David to the exile to Babylon…and finally there were fourteen generations from the exile to the birth of Christ—making forty-two in all. I hope, at least for some of you. this next observation is a new one…and maybe/just maybe…someone can say I learned one thing new by studying the lesson today. As you read through the genealogy you will note that Matthew says that Abraham was the father of Isaac; David was the father of Solomon; and Jacob was the father of Joseph; but he did not say that Joseph was the father of Jesus. Matthew referred to Joseph as the husband of Mary. We know that God was the Father.

Here is another thought for today. Matthew was not a medical doctor. Although he may have never trained as a specialist in gynecology or as a pediatrician there were millions of babies being born in his day, and I feel sure that he understood the common process necessary for a woman to become pregnant. Any doctor today will tell you that it is a physical impossibility for a woman to become pregnant without the induction of a male sperm. Matthew would have probably said the same thing; however he did not doubt that this could happen as a spiritual miracle…he believed the Holy Spirit to be the father. I sincerely hope that many of our doctors today have that same kind of faith.

As I read verse 18, I ask myself why the belief in the virgin birth is so important to the Christian believer. The answer comes as an overpowering truth only to those who believe in the bible as the absolute word of God, and from God. Jesus Christ is without sin. He is God’s son. He had to have a father in order to be born as an earthly child. Because Adam sinned, we are all sinners and therefore there was no man on earth without sin who could father this child. Christ was born to Mary and therefore was a human being. His father was God [through spirit] and therefore was born with no trace of human sin. Why important? It is this important…you can not be born again until you believe that Jesus Christ is both fully human and fully divine.

Jesus Christ was both—a human being with flesh and blood—and a Spirit Man with a divine nature. Jesus lived here on this earth about thirty years under trying circumstances and therefore through his earthly experiences we know that he fully understands our experiences and struggles [Hebrews 4: 15-16]. And because he is God, he has the power to deliver us from our sins [Colossians 2: 13-15]. When we pray and ask him for his help he hears our prayer, he understands us, he has been where we are and had already suffered what we are suffering and then in addition—Jesus paid our sin debt through his horrible death on the cross.

It is Christmas time at our house, and I believe that this is true at your house too. Do you really believe that we are worried about the same things these days that trouble the heart of God? This will recall just a few of the things that have happened and are happening that troubles some of us at Christmas time.

Today, Juanita and I received a box of grapefruit that our youngest daughter’s family sent by UPS. On the company label, they had written in large print, X-MAS GREETINGS of sender. Someone working for the company that delivered the box had XXX out the X-MAS, and written in CHRISTMAS GREETINGS. That person is concerned about people who are willing to X Christ out of Christmas. Jesus is more concerned when we cross some needy person off of our gift list.

Travel the state and visit the court houses and see how many nativity scenes you can find. Listen to the music in the stores where you shop and compare the music you hear to stories of the birth of Christ. You will frequently hear—“Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer,” but not “Silent Night;” and “Mom Kissing Santa Clause,” but not, “O-Holy Night.” Most Christians are concerned—are you? I believe that Christ is concerned—but these may not be his main concerns…so let us look at some of the things that may concern him more.

Christmas is not a holiday proclaimed by Christ. He probably was not even born at this time of year. In its beginning, the Christmas celebration was a pagan festival—but knowing Jesus as I do, I think he is happy anytime we celebrate his name on any day and at any time. He would tell you again today as he told men of old—you celebrate most when you love your God with all your heart and especially when you love one another.

I believe he would tell us not to worry too much about people calling a Christmas-tree a Holliday-tree. After all he made all the trees—why not worship him and thank him for all of our beautiful forests. If Christ had chosen the tree to commemorate his birth…it might have been a grapevine…he reminded us several times that he was the vine and we were his branches [see John 15: 1-8].

If every Christian that has complained about the Nativity Scene leaving the court yards would sell all their Santas, snowmen an lighted reindeers and use the money to erect nativity scenes in their yards—the number of scenes would multiply by the millions. If every bible-believing church would erect a Nativity Scene in front of the sanctuary there would be at least fifty in each county in Arkansas. I believe the Christ-child would feel more at home in a church yard than a court yard. I also think that Jesus would prefer that his Nativity Scene would be built by Christians than politicians. What should we do? We could volunteer to chair a committee at the church that would be in charge of the Nativity Scene each Christmas. The next time you think about complaining in a letter to the editor, why not write a letter of love and appreciation to some lonely soldier in Iraq.

Giving gifts at Christmas time is a wonderful and thoughtful way of expressing your love. But this year, instead of giving your children a lot of expensive toys that don’t last and will soon be discarded [and that you probably can least afford]…spend some extra time with them. Be sure you include some of the stories about the birth of Christ and why he gave up his home in heaven to spend thirty miserable years on earth. Don’t forget to love them, hug them and tell them that Christ loves them too.

Stop worrying about what your retailer calls the holiday, just be patient and friendly with his employees even if they are not allowed to wish you a “Merry Christmas” and they say “Happy Holiday”—that doesn’t keep you from wishing them a “Merry Christmas.”

Finally, here may be the very best Christmas gift that you can possibly give, because it would bless so many people. Stop shopping on Sunday! Wal-Mart makes big money every Sunday, but if they had no customers, they would soon close on Sunday and that would give thousands of employees a Sunday off to attend church—stay at home with the family—or at worst go fishing.

And now—from my house to your house—Juanita and I